Monday, January 24, 2011

There's an app for that... list

I make lists. I often lose them and forget what was on them, but I like to make them anyway!

At the end of the year I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish in 2011! Not big "Bucket List" things, just small things. I posted it online so as not to lose it, theoretically anyway. As the first month of the year begins to fade into the past, I thought I'd better check my progress. Here's what I've done so far:

1 Facial
1 week at the beach reserved
2 workouts
4 Yoga classes
11 hours alone with God
1536 ounces of water

Looks like I have some catching up to do in some areas, but I've still got 6 days!

Over the weekend, I started playing with a new list-making tool, Springpad. I made a detailed task list of things I wanted to do in my house. It looked like this:

kitchen: dishes & bleach counters
de-clutter and reorganize:
bathroom cabinets
hall cabinets
bedroom closets
clean bedroom
pack up all Christmas decor for storage

This took me nearly 2 days, but I crossed off each one little by little, not allowing myself to move onto another until one was done. Currently everything in my house has its place and is in it! For some of you super-efficient, over-achieving and organized folks this may seem trivial but for me it is HUGE!

The photo above is what's still on my list...

oh and I redecorated my bedroom and rearranged my reading\dressing room!

I'm taking baby-steps in the right direction rather than bouncing all over the place making a mess! I woke up this morning feeling very accomplished and inspired to make it a great day! So off I go!

What's on your list?

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