Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Get in Category 3...


Unless you are cut off from all forms of media, (and if you're reading this, I know you're not) you are probably in one of the following two categories:

1. Super excited that Christmas is coming, making your list, shopping, putting up your tree, planning Christmas Eve with your family, pulling out your Christmas CD collection, driving those in the next category insane!!

2. Super agitated that Thanksgiving isn't even here yet and we're already talking about Christmas, I mean Halloween wasn't over before the store had out the Christmas decor and now there are pre-Black Friday sales, c'mon!

Well, I'm here to form a third category for you!

3. Hallelujah! Christmas is coming and I am living in abundance because the Lord sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for my sins! I have more than I need and I am super excited to give back this year at Christmas!

Now, I know there are some of you out there who want to be in category 3, but don't know where to start in the "giving back". Maybe you just don't know of anyone in need or don't "trust" charitable organizations. You know, I actually have people who come to me during the holidays and ask if I know of a charity or organization they can give to at this time of year, even those who do not recognize the true meaning of Christmas (you know the part about "I am living in abundance because the Lord sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for my sins!").

Well, I'm here to help! Over the next several weeks, I intend to introduce you to some ministries and some people who I know and love who are serving others in a real and tangible way!

An article I recent read by Drs. Oz and Roizen over at Success Magazine has this to say about helping other:

Almost every study of longevity indicates one secret that makes people healthier and happier: helping others. Some research shows a 60 percent decrease in mortality figures among those who help others; they’re aided by what’s called the “helper’s high.” Specifically, it’s the dignity, the joy, the passion and the purpose of helping others that have these beneficial effects, whether you’re helping another person quit smoking, building a home for a family in need or mentoring a child at school.

So, if you want to find JOY in the season of giving and LIVE LONGER, stay tuned!

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