Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Catching Up: Mission 2 Honduras...

...I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power. - Ephesians 3:7

I have been thinking for weeks what this post would be like and its just so much to wrap my head (and my heart) around.

It's so hard to describe a trip like this where people will really get a sense of what it was like.

Imagine 20 or more women and a few fellas aging from sixteen to sixty-something, teachers, students, homemakers, accountants, clerical administrators, business owners, all joined together by the bond of Christ, in a land where very few of us knew the spoken language.

A land with little electricity and no indoor plumbing.

A land with few paved roads.

Imagine communicating solely through the love of Christ.

Imagine a land where the people love one another above all else and are hungry, starving for the message of hope, love, peace and redemption that you are carrying in your heart.

Imagine having the opportunity to give a child who came to school with no shoes on her feet not just one pair of new shoes, but two.

Imagine a land where the husband labors in the fields all day for about five dollars or less a day, the wife cooks a simple meal from scratch on an open fire and does the laundry out back with a wash board, and the children wander the mountainsides, sometimes miles to and from school on their own.

Imagine hearing a young girl, 10 or 11 years old say, "thank you for showing us attention and making us feel special".

Imagine seeing a young man, 16 or 17 stopped on the side of the road reading the Bible you just gave him.

Imagine knowing that even though you have lived all of your life in sin, God would give you this blessing and use you to build His Kingdom!!

This trip was all of these things and so much more....

"Although I am less than the least of all God's people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ" -- Ephesians 3:8

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